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by Adrian

New picture format

For 25 years, I considered the square format ideal for my photography. Recently, I discovered Josef Koudelka’s panoramic works in the 24×65 format with the Hasselblad XPAN and was immediately drawn to it. In 2025, I will explore this format, starting with From Industry to Anarchy, a series on Basel’s harbor zone—once industrial, now a space of temporary, alternative use. 

Video: Teaser for “Solitude: loneliness or indepence?”

Watch the video teaser for my new philosophical photo book “Solitude”, which deals with the two facets of being alone: loneliness or independence. The soundtrack is by my son Robin😊

Media: fotointern on photoSCHWEIZ 2025

The photo webseite fotointern published an article about the photoSCHWEIZ 2025 in which my series about the 24h race of Le Mans was mentionned as one of the highlights: https://www.fotointern.ch/archiv/2025/02/07/20-photoschweiz-2015-standortbestimmung-in-neuem-umfeld/

20250212 Bericht fotointern


Exhibition: “Solitude” April 4 – August 13 2025 (opening April 3, 5 pm), UPK Basel (CH)

Where: UPK Basel, Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27, 4002 Basel. When: April 4 to August 13 2025, Monday to Friday 8 am to 6 pm, weekend and bank holidays 10 am to 5 pm. Looking forward to meet you at the public opening on April 3 at 5 pm.

A black-and-white photo exhibition with more than 50 photographs, that explores the ambivalence of being alone. Whether loneliness or independence: it often lies in the eye of the beholder. Here the price list with supporting text (in German): 20250110 Preisliste Solitude (1)

Here a little teaser of the content:

Should I stay or should I go?
In the entrance hall, there will be a large installation featuring 15 images exploring the emotional world of the swimmer on the diving platform. The anticipation of the independence of the jumpt can easily transform into solitude on the top of the tower.

I am not there
This series explores the concept of the “present absence” of smartphone users. Further it highlights the irony of the relentless pursuit of capturing every important moment with a phone which comes at the expense of truly experiencing this very moment.


I and I
This series shows people in moments of intentional, voluntary solitude.


Up in the sky
Birds can choose their paths unrestricted by predefined routes. This series expresses this freedom in contrast against the static nature of architecture.


Highway Star
This series was created at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It captures people who, despite being surrounded by strangers, do not feel alone due to their shared passion.


The Book to the Exhibition

As a teaser for the exhibition, the book “Solitude: Loneliness or Independence?” can now be ordered from me or via Amazon (here) (CHF/EUR 70.- Hardcover 20.5 x 27 cm, 176 pages with over 120 large-format images). The book further includes a thematic spotify playlist (here) and further series such as:

“That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore”
Through “real pictures of fake people”, this series explores the ambivalence of artificial intelligence: progress and the loss of individuality.


Mercy Street

This series captures buildings that once stood for greatness and now became symbols of the transience of success and wealth.


A Forest

This series represents the strength and independence of trees and the loneliness of humans in the dark forest.


Masters of War

The final series juxtaposes philatelic artifacts with images of necropoles, highlighting the ambivalence of the soldier between freedom fighter and lonely death on the battlefield.


Group Exhibition: “photoSCHWEIZ 25” February 7 – 11 2025, Zurich (CH)

Very happy that my series from the 24h race of Le Mans had been chosen for the exhibition “photoSCHWEIZ 25” in the Kongresshaus Zürich, Claridenstrasse 5, 8002 Zürich / CH between Feb 7 and 11 2025 (Open: 11 am to 8 pm). More information here.

The supporting text to my pictures reads: “The presented photo series explores my core theme of “Solitude,” which highlights the two facets of being alone—independence and loneliness. The series features spectators of the 24-hour race in Le Mans 2024, who, surrounded by strangers, still did not feel alone due to their shared interest.”

Book “Solitude” available at Never Stop Reading bookstore, Zürich

My current book “Solitude: loneliness or indendepence?” can be bought in the bookstore “Never Stop Reading” (Spiegelgasse 18, 8001 Zurich/CH, www.neverstopreading.com). This independent bookstore offers a wide range of books on architecture, photography, art and design. In addition to the carefully curated section of English Books they have also the beautiful books of Büchergilde Gutenberg (www.buechergilde.de). Support them by buying your books there.  


Competition: New York Photography Awards 2024

The following pictures have obtained a “Silver Winner” in this years edition of the NYPA:



Media: “In the moor”, SCHWARZWEISS Magazine, December 2024

Very happy that “moorpath” was chosen for the gallery “In the moor” by SCHWARZWEISS magazine. The editors wrote “Often, the only way for visitors to traverse a moorland is by using constructed boardwalks. While this slightly diminishes the tactile experience of nature “underfoot,” these paths lead deep into the often impassable wilderness. The photograph by Adrian Schaub from Basel focuses entirely on such a boardwalk, winding through densely packed birch trees, perfectly capturing the sense of being “in the thick of it.”

Exhibition: “Silence” January 11 – February 4 2025, Gallery PH 21, Budapest (Hungary)

Very happy that two of my pictures had been chosen for the exhibition “Silence” by Gallery PH 21, 52 Ráday Street in Budapest /  Hungary between Jan 11 and Feb 4th 2025 (Open: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2 to 6 pm). Feel free to join the public opening on Jan 11 at 6 pm.

See all the pictures here 

The supporting text to my pictures reads: “The series ‘Me-time’ captures individuals in solitary, offline moments, highlighting the dual nature of being alone—self-chosen independence or unwanted loneliness. Without visible facial expressions, the subjects’ inner world remains a mystery, inviting viewers to make their own interpretation, which might differ from one to another based on the respective experiences of life.”


Online Exhibition: “Loneliness and Poetics” November 10 to December 10 2024, Gallery NAT (London / UK)

I am honored that my portfolio was awarded “Best photography” in the online exhibition “Loneliness and Poetics” by Gallery NAT (London/UK). See the exhibition here

Comments from the British Academic Jury: The photographic works of Swiss artist Adrian Schaub reveal a profound exploration of the theme of “loneliness.” Through minimalist black-and-white compositions and geometric lines, he presents the subtle tension between self-chosen independence and involuntary solitude. The works invite viewers to interpret and reflect on the nuanced and authentic emotional states of human existence through the postures of the photographed subjects, evoking a universal emotional resonance. Schaub’s photography is not only a visual delight but also a philosophical meditation on the conflict between continuous connectivity and the yearning for introspection in modern life.

Exhibition: “Little Treasures” November 30 to December 11 2024, Bologna (Italy)

I am honored that my series “up in the sky” has obtained an “Award of Excellence” in the 17th edition of “Little Treasures” exhibition at the Galleria De Marchi, Via Porta Nova 1/D, Bologna (Italy) from Nov 30 to Dec 11 2024 organized by Trevisan International Art.

Since 2008 Trevisan International Art presents annually a mini format exhibition of artworks, which are all in the 20×20 cm  format. Click here for more information and here for last years catalogue.




Book: “Solitude: Independence or Loneliness”  

appears ca December 2024


Exhibition: “Corporeality” Paris Photo Nov 8 to 10 2024

Very happy that my picture “Two bobs” has been selected by “art-icon” for the group exhibition “Corporeality” which takes place during the Paris Photo in Bastille Design Center (74 Bd Richard-Lenoir, 75011 Paris). Other pictures were by US director David Lynch or Russian art group Pussy Riot. See full list here It was a pleasure watching visitpros looking at my photograph at the Vernissage on Nov 8 at 7 pm

Competition: Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3) 2024

“One Tree Hill” won a silver medal and “Pandacat praying to Rapa Nui in the backyard”, “Me and my plushcat watching the fireworks”, “Oculus giraffe” and “Four women with black hair” obtained Honorable Mentions


Exhibition: “arte” November 8 to 17 2024, Binningen

I am happy to participate in the international exhibition of contemporary art “arte Binningen”. 39 artists present pictures, sculptures and objects in “Kronenmanttsaal, Weihermattstrasse 10, 4102 Binningen”. The opening hours were Monday to Friday 2 to 7 pm, Saturday 10 am to 7 pm, Sunday 10th 10 to 6 pm, Sunday 17th 10 to 3 pm. Vernissage is at Friday November 8th at 7 pm. Find more information here.    


I will show pictures from my New York series

Exhibition: “basel(un)sichtbar” October 12 to 27 2024, Basel

My fotoclub “Fotowerk Basel” celebrates its 100th anniversary with a group exhibition. 23 photographers present their vision of (in)visible aspects of our hometown. The diverse and exciting exhibition takes place at “BelleVue, Breisacherstrasse 50, 4057 Basel. The opening hours were Saturdays/Sundays 11 am to 5 pm and Wednesdays from 5 to 8 pm (except Saturday 12th, 1 to 5 pm). The vernissage takes place on Friday Oct 11th at 5 pm, the finissage on Sunday Oct 27th 5pm. 

I will present a big size version (100 x 100 cm frame) of “At the border”.

Exhibition: SwissArtExpo August 21 to 25, Zurich

Between Aug 21 and 25 I participate in the group exhibition SwissArtExpo which takes place in the hall of the railway station of Zurich/CH. The vernissage is on Aug 18th from 6 pm to 10 pm, the Artparty (with invitation only – drop me an email if you would like to come) on Aug 24 6:30 to 11 pm. The exhibition ends on Aug 25th at 7 pm.

My series  refers to the Randy Newman song “you can leave your hat on”

click here for a virtual tour of the exhibition.


Video: The in-between people

Manifesto against war made with pairs of philatelistic artefacts from WW1 and 2 (as e.g. a letter from a concentration camp) and bw pictures of Alsatian necropoles. This is not about history: in 2024 over 110 wars are ongoing. The title has three meanings: Soldiers are torn between their will to defend their country and the desire to stay with their families. The Alsace has changed nation between Germany and France six times in 300 years. There is a gap between theory and reality of war.

Click here for the German version

Video: Watching Le Mans

A slideshow with an homage to the 329’000 spectators of the 24 hour race of Le Mans 2024 who enjoyed the sun, braved the rain, stayed awake at night and cheered their teams to top performance. Many thanks to my son Robin for the great soundtrack.

Click here for the German version.

Exhibition: Exhibition “Beneath the surface” Rencontres d’Arles July 1 to 7 2024

In the context of the Rencontres d’Arles I participated in the exhibition “Beneath the surface” which was organized by “profi foto” in the Galerie “La Grande Vitrine” as part of Off Arles. 

Click here for a virtual tour

Competition: London Photography Awards 2024

The following two pictures were awarded Gold Winners: “One tree hill” and Exit Manhattan Bridge”,

Lecture: Photographs with soul – inspirations for creative photography, May 29 2024

On May 29 2024 I ran the lecture “photography with soul”: “Inspiration for creative photography with 100 photos in 60 minutes. Make impactful photographs by deliberately applying aperture, shutter speed and focal length. Sharpen your message by considering the “why, (from) where and how” and emphasize it by using contrast and composition.”

Here the slides in English
and below the video in English

Exhibition: Off Arles / Rencontres d’Arles (July 1 to July 7, 2024)

I am am extremely happy having been chosen to present the series “Beneath the surface in the Magic Mirror” in a gallery during the Rencontres d’Arles, which is one of the most important photo festivals worldwide (145’000 visitors last year)

Here a video with the works of all 40 artists: https://vimeo.com/949565817/c75fdf2a9a?share=copy

Exhibition: Artexpo Basel (June 13 to 16, 2024)

I am happy having been selected to display the picture “Elevator People No 2” at the Artexpo Basel, which is a popular art exhibition held during the Art Basel Artweek.

where: EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, Schweiz (opening hours June 13 to 16: daily 9-21h / Sunday 9-18h)

More: https://www.artboxexpos.com/artexpo-basel

Competition: Muse Photography Awards 2024

The following nine pictures were awarded Silver Winners: “Rather carrot”, “Should I stay or should I go No 10”, “M&M&O”, “Little elephant”. “Floating Feather III”, “Raven’s lane”, “Cat in the limelight No 1”, “Star horse”, “The guard”

Lecture “Photographs with soul” (May 29th 2024, 8 pm)

Where: Quartieroase Bruderholz, Bruderholzallee 169, 4059 Basel

When: Wed. May 29, 2024, 8 pm

Language: German

In the lecture “Photographs with soul” I will outline some thoughts about creative photography and illustrate with numerous photos how a good idea becomes a good picture.

More: https://adrianschaub.com/exhibitions/ (second paragraph in the text of the exhibition “Forms and Figures of NYC”

Exhibition “Forms and Figures of New York City” (May 3 to June 28, 2024)

Where: Quartieroase Bruderholz, Bruderholzallee 169, 4059 Basel

Vernissage: Fri. May 3, 2024, 6-9 p.m.

Lecture: Wed. May 29, 2024, 8 pm.

Finissage: Fri. June 28, 2024, 6-8 p.m.

Each with book sale and signing.

The exhibition “Forms and Figures of New York City” (3.5.-28.6.) is a mixture of fine art and street photography. Sophisticated black and white photographs capture the essence of New York street life. Each image tells its own story about the interaction of people and animals with their environment. Arranged in series, they deal with overarching themes.

Concept and Pricelist (in German): Oase Concept & prices

More: https://adrianschaub.com/exhibitions/

Book “Reduce to the Max: Award-winning pictures 2021-2023” 

The book contains 60 black and white photos that obtained Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or other Awards at renowned international photo competitions. A collection of decisive moments in street photography and a celebration of the ornamental aspects of nature. Hardcover 21x 21 cm, 124 pages with 60 large photographs, Texts in English and German. Available for CHF 30.- (plus shipping) from info@adrianschaub.com First edition of 50 numbered and signed. Teaser video here More information here

Lecture “Photobook publishing: From the idea to sale”

I have recently hold a presentation about the publication of a photobook, which covered the following topics: Concept, Content, Presentation, Formats and Fittings, Colour Space, Publication House vs. Print-On-Demand vs Print House, Distribution, Marketing. Find below the slides (in German) for download. 

20240207 Fotobuch von der Idee zum Verkauf

Interview – New York Photography Awards 2023

Find here a recent interview in which I outline my views on AI in photography, the impact of awards in photo competitions as well as which photographers I admire

New York Photography Awards 2023

The following six pictures were awarded Silver Winners: “Playing with mirror balls No 1”, “M&M&O”, “Me and my plushcat watching the fireworks”, “On my mobile I am looking like a Caesar”, Two bobs” and “Ferris wheel in the moonlight”


 “The warden”, “Four women with black hair”, “Escalator People No 2” and “Waiting for the taxi” have obtained a Honorable Mention.

Monochrome Photography Awards 2023

“Escalator People No 2” and “Four women with black hair” obtained a Honorable Mention.


Tokyo International Foto Awards 2023

The book “Forms and Figures of New York City” has been awarded a Gold Winner in the subcategory “People”:

Two bobs, M&M&O, the warden, and Me and my plushcat watching the fireworks have been awarded a Honourable Mention


Happy New Year

Same procedure as every year: all clients that have bought a picture or a book get a personal Xmas card. Thanks for your interest and looking forward to spend even more time with this activity in 2024 🙂

Budapest International Foto Awards 2023

The book “Forms and Figures of New York City” won 2nd place in “Books” and has been awarded a Gold Winner in the subcategory “People”:

Two bobs, the warden, Escalator People No 2 and Ferris wheel in the moonlight have been awarded a Honourable Mention


EFFVAS Competition (Single image) 2023

“Oculus Giraffe” won a Bronze Medal and “Tuba player” a honorable Mention to the topic “Metal”.


Photo Schweiz, Jan 12 to 16th 2024 (Zurich, Switzerland)

Very happy for having been selected to present some of my pictures at the “photo Schweiz 2024”, the biggest show of current Swiss photography, which will take place from January 12 to 16 2024 in Zurich (Switzerland). Details and Tickets: https://www.photo-schweiz.ch/ My project can be found here: https://photointernational.com/photographers/adrian-schaub 

Neutral Density Awards 2023

“Escalator People No 2″, The warden” and “Me and my plushcat watching the fireworks” have been awarded Honorable Mentions in the 2023 edition of the Neutral Density Photography Awards.



Exhibition “Forms and Figures of New York City”, May 3 to June 28 2024 (Basel, Switzerland)

I will present some pictures of my recent book at an exhibition in Basel (see Flyer below for details):

Presentation “Photography with Soul”, May 29 2024 (Basel, Switzerland)

I will hold  a lecture (in German) about how to turn a good idea into a good picture

Big is beautfiful

Enjoying one of my photos in the new size in our livingroom. Many thanks to the team of Pascale Brügger (https://www.bildlabor-bruegger.ch/ ) who have created it in the same tonality as my original and to Fischer (https://www.fischer.de/de-de/produkte/standardbefestigungen ) for manufacturing dowels that keep the 15 kgs on the wall 🙂 

The frame is aluminum from Halbe (https://www.halbe-rahmen.de/ ) covered with Artglass 99 Protect (https://www.groglass.com/product/artglass-ar-99/ ).  The paper is Hahnemühle FA Baryta (https://www.hahnemuehle.com/de/digital-fineart/fineart-media/glossy-fineart/p/Product/show/5/23.html and the size of the photo is 80x80cm and of the frame 100×100. Pictures are limited to three plus two Artist Prints and are available for CHF 3500.- plus shipping costs.  The smaller size (28×28 cm in 40×40 cm) is available for CHF 800.- (limited to five prints plus two AP).

International Photography Awards 2023

“Urban living” has been awarded a Honorable Mention and “Mobile, mobile on my hand who is the fairest of them all?” has been chosen for the Official Selection of the 2023 edition of the International  Photography Awards.

Pictures available on Arte Laguna World

I decided to print my pictures in limited numbers (five plus two AP in 28×28 cm and three plus two AP in 80x80cm – earlier prints are included in the counting) and use now a revised matte, so that the front signature is visible. The photos are mounted in a handmade aluminium frame from Halbe Rahmen (sizes 40×40 cm and 100×100 cm) and covered by museum glass (Artglass AR 99), which is reflexion-free and shatter-resistant. Some are now available in the shop of Laguna Arte World https://artelaguna.world/artist/schaub-adrian/

Book Forms and Figures of New York City

My first book Forms and Figures of NYC is a fusion of Fine Art and Street photography. Well composed black and white photographs capture the esseny firstce of the street life of New York City. Each of the 52 pictures tells its particualr story of the interaction of humans and animals with their environment. Grouped in series they cover overarching themes like “Empire State Building vs Lady Liberty”, “Me and my mobile”, “Ephemeral” or “Summer hats”. The pictures are shown here or as video here

The book is softcover 22×28 cm with 60 pages thereof 52 large photographs and an introduction in English and German. The ISBN is 9 798210 923301 and it can be ordered from the publisher for 20 Euro plus VAT and shipping here:

Depending on your location shipping costs might be cheaper when ordering from me for CHF 20.- without VAT and the following shipping costs: Switzerland free, Europe 12 CHF and ROW 16 CHF (send an email to info@adrianschaub.com)

The pictures can also be bought. They are limited to three (80×80 cm) or seven (28×28 cm) prints plus 2 artist prints each, signed on both sides, printed with Epson Ultra Chrome pro 10 ink (WIR display permanence rating > 400 years) on Hahnemühle Fine Art Baryta paper (ISO 9706) and come along with a frame of 100×100 cm or 40x40cm and with Artglass AR 99.

Video Forms and Figures of New York City

Next month I will publish my first book. As teaser I created a Video with all the 52 pictures. Many thanks to my son Robin for the soundtrack. Watch it here:

European Photography Awards

I won one Platinum and one Gold Winner plus eight Honourable Mentions in this years edition of the European Photography Awards. You can see the photos by following this link (scroll down, the 2023 pics start with “Exit Manhattan Bridge”).


For an application to a group exhibiition I had to create a dossier that represents my work so far. (click on the link to see the pdf): Schaub_Adrian_Dossier


As a winner of the London Photography Awards I had the opportunity to provide an interview about my photographic roots and ambitions (click on the link: Interview Muse)

London Photography Awards

I won seven Gold Winners and three Honourable Mentions in this years edition of the London Photography Awards. You can see the photos by following this link. 

Presentation “Tools Techniques and Themes”

At my photoclub I presentedn which tools I use for analog and digital photography and for the analog or digital presentation of the pictures. Find the slide deck here: 20230308 Tools techniques themesnormalgross  

Carte Blanche in cultural magazine Programmzeitung

I had the opportunity to create the “Carte Blanche” page in the independent monthly Culture Magazine “Programmzeitung”. The photo shows a trolley on its way to their editorial offices in Basel

Podcast Ernsthafte Gespräche

Ernst Field runs a podcast about “ordinary people”. In episode 64 I we talk about photographing, stamp collecting and other things. (click here to view it on youtube, or here on spotify, in Swiss German).

Youtube Channel

I kicked off a youtube channel where you find short stories based on my pictures and videos with tips and tricks how to make better photos (click here)


In 2022 I did some short projects on WW1 necropoles in Alsace (France) (“The in-betweeen people”) and potash mines in Alsace (“I had a dream”). Here pdfs as download:

20220422 The in-between people

20220422 I had a dream


Follow me on Instagram (@adischaub)  or subscribe to my Youtube Channel (@adrianschaub) for seeing my latest pictures and occasional videos.